During the Reporting workshop av CEVT in Gothenburg on December 9th active collaboration projects presented their status in poster format during the Exploration forum.
The pdf below contains all posters which were presented:
Posters from Reporting WS Dec 2021
Projects included:
- Accelerating Digitalization Through Data
- Enterprise Scale Continuous Integration and Delivery
- Strategic Ecosystem-Driven R&D Management
- Engineering Knowledge Flows in Large-Scale Agile System Development
- Using Digital Twin to Detect Cyber-Attacks On Cyber-Physical Systems
- Analysis of Timing Properties in System of Cyber-Physical Systems
- Flaky Tests & Software Center: In a Nutshell
- Managing Model Inconsistencies
- Automated Recovery of Data Pipelines
- Noise Handling For Improving Machine Learning- Based Test Case Selection
- Towards Federated Learning
- Challenges in developing and deploying AI in the engineering, procurement and construction industry
- Transforming Automo/ve Architecture with Assistance from AI
- Architectural Design and Verification/Validation of Systems with Machine Learning Components