Title: Creating light-weight consistency checks for continuous model-based development
Speaker: Robbert Jongeling, Mälardalen University
Model-based development (MBD) incorporates any practices where models are used as core development artefacts, that is, they are created and maintained with the purpose of designing and/or documenting the system under development. As in other development paradigms, it is commonly desired to adopt short development cycles in MBD too. When doing so, one of the most challenging tasks is to establish, and frequently maintain, consistency between (a subset of) diverse development artefacts, such as a system model, requirements, design models, architecture diagrams, code, configuration files, tests, etc. Complete consistency across all artefacts is usually not required nor desirable but being notified of inconsistency to prevent its propagation to other development artefacts is crucial.
In this talk, we discuss different levels of adoption of continuous MBD and how to migrate between them. In particular, we discuss a framework for establishing lightweight consistency checks across diverse development artefacts in industrial settings.