Two new open positions for PhD students

During the spring of 2025 the Competence Center for Continuous Digitalization, CoDig, is recruiting a number of PhD students within these four different focus areas in the center: AI-supported digitalization Lead: Miroslaw Staron, Chalmers/University of Gothenburg Continuous and automated quality assurance Lead: Kristian Sandahl, Linköping University Continuous safety and security Lead: Jan Carlson, Mälardalen University Data-driven digital transformation Lead: Helena Holmström Olsson, Malmö University Two open positions at Malmö University: apply by the latest

Recruitment of PhD students

During the spring of 2025 the Competence Center for Continuous Digitalization, CoDig, will recruit a number of PhD students within these four different focus areas in the center:   AI-supported digitalization Lead: Miroslaw Staron, Chalmers/University of Gothenburg Continuous and automated quality assurance Lead: Kristian Sandahl, Linköping University Continuous safety and security Lead: Jan Carlson, Mälardalen University Data-driven digital transformation Lead: Helena Holmström Olsson, Malmö University Descriptions of the positions will be published within soon

Jan Bosch at the workshop. Picture: Erling Mårtensson

  This was the titleof a half-day workshop that was organized at Malmö University on March 19th. The workshop is part of a series of workshops around agile practices that we run as part of Software Center but to which we also invite companies external to Software Center. During the workshop, a group of more than 40 practitioners from various industry domains discussed the challenges of agile practices and the

New Competence Center: CoDig

Software Center partners join forces and shapes a new competence center, CoDig, Continuous Digitalization. The competence center is funded by the participating companies and the universities together with by Vinnova through the program Advanced Digitalization. The CoDig vision is to significantly increase the competitiveness of the Swedish industry by enabling transformation of the software-intensive systems industry into a modern world-leading digitalized industry that fully embraces continuous value delivery by taking advantage

Knowledge management strategy for seamless compliance with the machinery regulation

The project Trace Evidence 4 Continuous Quality Product Process Assurance Justification (#50) has published its proposal for a knowledge management strategy for seamless compliance with the machinery regulation. The link to the publication is: Gallina, B., Olesen, T.Y., Parajdi, E., Aarup, M. (2023). A Knowledge Management Strategy for Seamless Compliance with the Machinery Regulation. In: Yilmaz, M., Clarke, P., Riel, A., Messnarz, R. (eds) Systems, Software and Services Process

Videos from the Reporting Workshop

Agenda and recordings from the Reporting workshop, June 15th 2023:   09.30 – 10.00: Registration and coffee 10:00-10:20: Opening: Jan Bosch 10:20-10:50: Lifting AI from Code to Software: Keynote presentation by Miroslaw Staron, Chalmers & University of Gothenburg, and Albert Ziegler, Principal Machine Learning Engineer, GitHub CoPilot 10.50-11.00: Reliable, Safe and Secure Intelligent Autonomous Systems: presentation of the Industrial graduate school RELIANT by Mikael Sjödin, Research leader Embedded Systems, Mälardalen University

Inquiry: Information Needs in CI/CD

Information Needs in CI/CD – Data Validation Across Different Organization in Europe Here comes the link for information needs that I have obtained from 5 different European organizations. In this survey, I am validating the results. I am requesting you to fill the survey where you share the importance, frequency and effort for each need based on Likert scale. Do not scare with the number of questions in the survey,

Advenica joins Software Center

Advenica is joining the research collaboration Software Center, where we will be part of researching, and applying, the latest knowledge on the effects of the digital transformation. This is part of the company’s strategy to constantly improve our product development methodology and tools, using cutting edge know-how and industry best practice ways of working, in relevant research fields. The Software Center’s mission is to significantly improve the Software Engineering capacity

New video: From informal architecture diagrams to flexible blended models

Architects commonly use informal diagrams for the early design and communication of software systems. Due to their notational freedom and effectiveness for communication, informal diagrams are often preferred over models with a fixed syntax and semantics as defined by a modeling language. But precisely because of this lack of established semantics, these diagrams are of limited use in later development stages for analysis tasks such as consistency checking or change

New video: How to succeed with communicating software metrics?

  Recording of lunch seminar from May 30th: How to succeed with communicating software metrics in the organization? Five questions for managers Speaker: Aleksandre Asatiani from University of Gothenburg. While software metrics are indispensable for quality assurance, using metrics in practice is far from uncomplicated. Implementing and executing metrics are challenging tasks as it is difficult to manage the technical and human aspects of the software measurement. Based on the data