
How does Software Center work with sustainability?

Creating a sustainable life-cycle is paramount for the long-term success of all products. Here at Software Center, we are dedicated to advancing sustainability through two key initiatives: Software Center Sustainability Workshop Series Sustainability Work in the CoDig Competence Center Software Center Sustainability Workshop Series: Our workshop series serves as a collaborative platform for Software Center partner companies to share their sustainability initiatives, exchange experiences, and receive support for their endeavors.

New research school: Reliable, Safe and Secure Intelligent Autonomous Systems

Embedded Systems at Mälardalen University are starting a new Industrial graduate school with support from the Knowledge Foundation. Additional companies are welcome to join with industrial PhD students and to be part in shaping the plans for the school which will be launched at the end of 2023. Contact Mikael Sjödin at Mälardalen University to discuss how your company can be part of RELIANT, Reliable, Safe and Secure Intelligent Autonomous

Videos from the Reporting Workshop

Agenda and recordings from the Reporting workshop, June 15th 2023:   09.30 – 10.00: Registration and coffee 10:00-10:20: Opening: Jan Bosch 10:20-10:50: Lifting AI from Code to Software: Keynote presentation by Miroslaw Staron, Chalmers & University of Gothenburg, and Albert Ziegler, Principal Machine Learning Engineer, GitHub CoPilot 10.50-11.00: Reliable, Safe and Secure Intelligent Autonomous Systems: presentation of the Industrial graduate school RELIANT by Mikael Sjödin, Research leader Embedded Systems, Mälardalen University

SC book: Accelerating Digital Transformation

Accelerating Digital Transformation   Effective collaboration between industry and academia is hard. This is the case because of a mismatch in incentives between researchers and industry practitioners that is quite significant and causes natural tension points. Industry practitioners, in the end, want to turn the fruits of the collaboration into benefits for the business. Researchers are interested in high profile publications. Industry often seeks to achieve these benefits as fast

Videos from the Reporting workshop

Below in the agenda you find the links to the presentations which were recorded during the December 2022 Reporting Workshop in Gothenburg. Agenda: 09.00 – 10.00: Registration and coffee 10:00-10:30: Opening: Jan Bosch 10:30-11:00: Keynote presentation by Ödgärd Andersson, CEO Zenseact 11:00-12:00: Community updates in parallel: Software engineering Chairs: Miroslaw Staron, Jan Carlson and Kristian Sandahl 11.00– 11.20: ChatGPT and its use for software engineering tasks, Miroslaw Staron, Chalmers | University of

New publication on Test environments for large‐scale software systems

Our journal paper “Test environments for large scale software systems – An industrial study of intrinsic and extrinsic success factors” is now published in Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (a journal from Wiley). To access and/or share the article (published as open access) please click the following link https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/stvr.1839 Authors: Torvald Mårtensson, Göran Ancher, Daniel Ståhl For more information, contact Torvald Mårtensson PhD MSc Technical Fellow within System Integration Testing

Videos on Cybersecurity

Mälardalen University is hosting a series of workshops on cybersecurity with speakers from well known organizations in both industry and academia. Below are the links to the latest recordings: Automotive Security: to br(e)ak(e) is easier than to patch Stefano Zanero (Politecnico di Milano university) Can Language Models Help to Design more Cybersecure Software? Miroslaw Staron (Chalmers) Access Control in Dynamic Industrial Automation and Control Systems Björn Leander (MDU, ABB) Access

Software Center day Denmark

The Software Center Denmark workshop brought together experts from industry and academia to talk about the challenges and solutions in the software-intensive industry. Jan Bosch, director of Software Center and professor at Chalmers University of Technology talked about industrial digitalization, including highlight cases from the member companies of Software Center. Anne Katrine Windfeld, Head of Software Development and interim Head of Digital Development at Grundfos, introduced the day and gave a

Living in a Pink Cloud or Fighting a Whack-a-Mole?

Living in a Pink Cloud or Fighting a Whack-a-Mole? On the Creation of Recurring Revenue Streams in the Embedded Systems Domain For companies in the embedded systems domain, digitalization and digital technologies allow endless opportunities for new business models and continuous value delivery. While physical products still provide the core revenue, these are rapidly being complemented with offerings that allow for recurring revenue and that are based on software, data

New video: Service innovation and development

  The seminar from January 17th was hosted by theme 4 (‘Customer Data and Ecosystems’), speaker Helena H. Olsson, Malmö University: “NOT my job: On the challenges with service innovation and development” With digitalization disrupting industry after industry to an extent that we have only seen the beginnings of, the business landscape in which the Software Center companies operate is dramatically changing. Key to digital transformation, and one of the