Background: PhD student Xin Sun is performing a literature review to describe the state of the art in assuring each of the quality characteristics of ISO 25010, Systems and software engineering — Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) of AI-generated software.
Purpose: Exchanging experience between companies in the area. Prioritize relevant research directions for Xin Sun, project #61.
Tentative program
Welcome, presentation, and overview of Project #61. (15 minutes)
Presentation of the literature review and possible pointers to the future. (45 minutes)
Company presentations (10-30 minutes each). Ericsson (x2), Scania, and Saab are confirmed.
Discussion about future research and opportunities for direct collaborations. (perhaps in smaller groups)
Conclusion and next steps.
This is an internal meeting, and the Software Center Non-disclosure agreement applies.
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